Make Mud Bricks in 6 Steps

Mud bricks also called as adobe bricks are one of the older forms of the building materials that are very simple to make and are inexpensive. These mud bricks are environmentally friendly, and are used all over the world for fireproof as well as low-cost buildings. So to prepare such type of bricks, initially make sure that you have a dry area that is cleared well for making the bricks as these bricks can take several days to dry and may need to be safe place that is away from the rain and water. Here are steps to follow to prepare your own mud bricks.

Step 1 –  Take out Enough Soil

As an initially step, collect the enough loamy soil to start preparation of your mud bricks. This soil can be collected from the sides or top of any natural hill as the soil from those places are very good to make the mud bricks that can withstand erosion and rain. You can even mix this soil with some sand to enhance the quality. Filter the collected soil by a mesh screen to take off any stones present in it that could weaken the strength of bricks and can cause cracks in them

Step 2 – Prepare the Mold

By using any 2 five foot length lumbers on the sides, cut down the third into 6 pieces with each piece being 14 inches long and then nail those pieces again to two five foot lengths, ten inches apart. Your final frame would look like a ladder that consists molds for five bricks, each with dimensions 10″ x 14″.

Step 3 – Dig a Pit

If you want to just make few bricks, then by using wheelbarrow blend the total soil. Dig a huge hole that is three feet deep in to the ground and then fill that hole with water and allow it to drain itself. This whole process can take place for at least 24 hours. However, it is very important to do as it would totally prevent the crumbling of walls during the mixing process.

Step 4 – Mix the Soil

Fill half of the hole with soil. Take a bucket full of water and add a soil to it along with hoe or shovel mixing. Adding some manure or straw can be done to prevent the cracking of bricks. Add required water to make thick mix.

Step 5 – Add the Mixture to the Mold

Allow the mold to be flat and make it to get dry. Pour the mole into each section, filling it completely. Pat the top of it strongly with the shovel back to pack it tightly to remove excess water or air bubbles.

Step 6 – Allow it to Dry

Make the mud bricks to settle down for long time before taking the mold off. Move them to another dry spot to prepare another set of five bricks. Continue this process until the required bricks are prepared.

Wait at least for 12 days before using your sun-dried bricks. All the bricks edges have to turn into white colour before you can use them, otherwise the bricks can crumble. These sun dried bricks can last up to nearly 35 years before they start to crack. So it’s best to fire them in a kiln if you want them to last longer.